Ken Hough Screenwriter: "I've been writing screenplays for about eight years, but I've been working on movies with Eric and Dan and my other cousins since the mid 1980s, when we used to run outside with a camcorder, some monster masks, and a few lines of dialogue written on notebook paper. Fortunately, such classics as "Atomic Zombie Commandos" and "Wildman" will probably never be seen by more than our immediate family and a few unlucky friends. Currently, I'm working to complete a Masters is history, my other obsession, at Cal State University, Fullerton. Working on "Digital Purgatory" has been both grueling and fun, and my only wish is to see all of the hard work that everyone has put into this production (especially Eric's)get rewarded...that and hoping that all my in-jokes don't end up on the cutting room floor." |