Here’s a collection of scripts that I’ve created and use in my capacity as a Systems Engineer. Hopefully, they may be useful to someone else out there.
Render simulator A shell script to simulate renders
genip Python script to generate zones and ips on a windows DNS server
- Render simulator This is a shell script used to simulate renders. It’s great for testing schedular performance. It has options for adjusting memory, running local disk i/o, and can stagger the start and stop time. If you want it to also stress the cpu, uncomment the md5sum.
#!/bin/sh # source function library . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions proc="memtester" THREADS=1 MEMTOTAL=`free | grep "^Mem" | awk '{print $2}'` MEM=1920 SEC=600 BONNIE=0 RETVAL=0 RAN=0 TFRAME=20 do_usage() { echo "usage $0: -t [threads] -m [memory] -s [seconds] -r [seconds] -b" echo -e "\t-t: [optional] set number of processes to run (default 1) " echo -e "\t-m: [optional] set memory per thread (default 1920)" echo -e "\t-b: [optional] run bonnie on localdisk" echo -e "\t-r: [optional] randomize finish time by number of seconds" } set_sleep() { echo $[ ( $RANDOM % $DIE_SIDES ) + 1 ] } while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case $1 in -t) THREADS=$2 shift 2 ;; -m) MEM=$2 shift 2 ;; -s) SEC=$2 shift 2 ;; -b) BONNIE=1 shift ;; -h) do_usage exit 1 ;; -r) RAN=1 TFRAME=$2 shift 2 ;; esac done echo "$THREADS memtesters using $MEM per test" for ((i=1;i<=$THREADS;i+=1)); do #md5sum < /dev/urandom & PID_NAME="sanity-$$-${i}" PID_FILE="/var/run/${PID_NAME}.pid" memtester $MEM 100 >/dev/null & echo "$!" > $PID_FILE done if [ $BONNIE -eq 1 ]; then echo "running bonnie" PID_NAME="sanity-$$-bonnie" PID_FILE="/var/run/${PID_NAME}.pid" if [ -e /tmp/foo ]; then /usr/sbin/bonnie++ -d /tmp/foo -u nobody:nobody -x 1000 >/dev/null & echo "$!" > $PID_FILE else mkdir /tmp/foo chmod 777 /tmp/foo /usr/sbin/bonnie++ -d /tmp/foo -u nobody:nobody -x 1000 >/dev/null & echo "$!" > $PID_FILE fi fi cat /var/run/sanity-$$-* if [ $RAN -eq 1 ]; then MYTIME=`expr \( $RANDOM % $TFRAME \) + 1` SIGN=`expr \( $RANDOM % 2 \)` if [ $SIGN -eq 1 ]; then SEC=`expr $SEC - $MYTIME` else SEC=`expr $SEC + $MYTIME` fi echo "Random time $SEC" fi sleep $SEC for PID in `cat /var/run/sanity-$$-*`; do echo "killing $PID" kill $PID done rm -rf /var/run/sanity-$$-* exit 0
- genip is a python script I used to generate series of IPs and zones on a windows dns server. This is mainly used when adding new racks of render blades.
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import getopt import array import re def usage(): print("usage: genip -b [blade name] -n [nest name] -c [number of blades{16|32}] -d -l [blade start num] -s [gateway/type] -i -t\n\n") print("example: genip -b imd-render -n 141 -c 16 -s\n") print("\t-d is optional, define nodes as doublewide which require A/B syntax") print("\t-l is optional, defaults to 1") print("\t-i is optional, if set, add a -c to the end of the name") print("\t-t is optional, test mode, show commands which would be run without running them") def parseargs(): global bladestart bladestart = 1 global bladeletter # 0 is off, 1 is on bladeletter = 0 global test test = 0 global doublewide doublewide = 0 global ilo ilo = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:b:n:c:s:l:tdi", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt == "-b": global bladename bladename = arg elif opt == "-n": global nestname nestname = arg elif opt == "-c": global numblades numblades = arg elif opt == "-s": global subnet subnet = arg elif opt == "-l": bladestart = arg bladestart = int(bladestart) elif opt == "-t": test = 1 elif opt == "-i": ilo = 1 elif opt == "-d": doublewide = 1 try: bladename nestname numblades subnet except: print "\nsome options were not set" print "bladename %s"%bladename print "nestname %s"%nestname print "numblades %s"%numblades print "subnet %s\n"%subnet usage() sys.exit() if int(numblades) != 16: if int(numblades) != 32: print "\nnumber of blades %s is not 16 or 32\n"%numblades usage() sys.exit() if int(numblades) == 32: bladeletter = 1 elif doublewide == 1: bladeletter = 1 def parsesubnet(): subparts = [] subparts = subnet.split("/") global subbase subbase = subparts[0] global subtype subtype = subparts[1] subocts = subbase.split(".") global sub sub = subocts[0] + "." + subocts[1] + "." + subocts[2] global subreverse subreverse = subocts[2] + "." + subocts[1] + "." + subocts[0] global substart substart = int(subocts[3]) + 1 global numips if subtype == '30': numips = 4 elif subtype == '29': numips = 8 elif subtype == '28': numips = 16 elif subtype == '27': numips = 32 elif subtype == '26': numips = 64 elif subtype == '25': numips = 128 elif subtype == '24': numips = 256 else: print "subtype of %s not understood or in range" %subtype print "supported subtypes are 24-30" usage() sys.exit() #print "subbase %s subtype %s substart %d numips %d" % (subbase, subtype, substart, numips) subgate = int(subocts[3]) + 1 def zonetest(): command = "dnscmd /zoneinfo " + subreverse + "" if'failed', os.popen(command, 'r').readline() ): print "======== %s zone does not exist, creating =======" %subreverse command = "dnscmd /ZoneAdd " + subreverse + " /dsprimary" if test == 1: print command else: os.popen(command, 'r') else: print "%s zone already created" %subreverse def dnshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, sub, ip): if ilo == 1: commande = "dnscmd /enumrecords %s%s%02d%s-c"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) else: commande = "dnscmd /enumrecords %s%s%02d%s"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) #print commande if'failed', os.popen(commande, 'r').readline() ): adddnshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, sub, ip) else: if ilo == 1: commandee = "dnscmd /enumrecords %s%s%02d%s-c"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) else: commandee = "dnscmd /enumrecords %s%s%02d%s"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) #print commandee commandreturn = os.popen(commandee, 'r').readlines() ipinfo = commandreturn[1].split() #sometimes, /enumrecords will return sucessfull even though there is no IP if ipinfo[0] == "Command": print "!!! Warning %s%s%02d%s exist but no ip is associated with it, trying anyway" %(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) adddnshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, sub, ip) else: curip = ipinfo[3] deletednshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, curip) adddnshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, sub, ip) def adddnshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, sub, ip): if ilo == 1: commanda = "dnscmd /recordadd %s%s%02d%s-c A %s.%s"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter ,sub ,ip) commandp = "dnscmd /recordadd %s PTR"%(subreverse, ip, bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) else: commanda = "dnscmd /recordadd %s%s%02d%s A %s.%s"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter ,sub ,ip) commandp = "dnscmd /recordadd %s PTR"%(subreverse, ip, bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) if test == 1: print commanda print commandp else: os.popen(commanda, 'r') os.popen(commandp, 'r') def deletednshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, curip): if ilo == 1: print "\t**** removing old ip %s for %s%s%02d%s-c ****"%(curip, bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) commandd = "dnscmd /recorddelete %s%s%02d%s-c A %s /f"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, curip) else: print "\t**** removing old ip %s for %s%s%02d%s ****"%(curip, bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter) commandd = "dnscmd /recorddelete %s%s%02d%s A %s /f"%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, curip) if test == 1: print commandd else: os.popen(commandd, 'r') def genip(): parseargs() parsesubnet() #print "bladename %s nestname %s numblades %s subnet %s substart %d numips %d" %(bladename, nestname, numblades, sub, substart, numips) intblades = int(numblades) numend = substart + intblades if intblades > numips: print "you asked to create %s dns entries with a /%s network which only has %d ips available,\nplease check your logic"%(numblades, subtype, numips) sys.exit() elif numend > 254: print "you asked to create %s starting at an ip of %d which is greater then 254 ips,\nplease rerun limited to a class c network"%(numblades, substart) sys.exit() zonetest() print "========== nest %s =========="%nestname if bladeletter == 1: letter = "A" # if a double wide blade, then hold on cycle num for 2 loops else: letter = "" cyclenum = 0 bladenum = bladestart for ip in range(substart, numend): print "==== adding %s%s%02d%s %s.%s to dns ===="%(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, sub, ip) dnshost(bladename, nestname, bladenum, letter, sub, ip) if bladeletter == 1: if cyclenum == 0: letter = "B" cyclenum = int(cyclenum) + 1 else: letter = "A" cyclenum = 0 bladenum = int(bladenum) + 1 else: bladenum = int(bladenum) + 1 genip()